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Calander color Scheme

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Calander Color Palette Documentation

Use this generated documentation for your further work. We've automatically calculated RGB and CMYK values for your colors.

Color HEX RGB CMYK Comment
#1F83FFRGB (31,131,255)CMYK (88,49,0,0)
#ff9b1fRGB (255,155,31)CMYK (0,39,88,0)
#ffd49fRGB (255,212,159)CMYK (0,17,38,0)
#531CB3RGB (83,28,179)CMYK (38,59,0,30)
#944BBBRGB (148,75,187)CMYK (15,44,0,27)
#D8F793RGB (216,247,147)CMYK (12,0,39,3)
#A0CA92RGB (160,202,146)CMYK (16,0,22,21)
#EDEEC0RGB (237,238,192)CMYK (0,0,18,7)
#C28CAERGB (194,140,174)CMYK (0,21,8,24)
#461220RGB (70,18,32)CMYK (0,20,15,73)
#8C2F39RGB (140,47,57)CMYK (0,36,33,45)
#34D1BFRGB (52,209,191)CMYK (62,0,7,18)
#EFEFEFRGB (239,239,239)CMYK (0,0,0,6)
#01295FRGB (1,41,95)CMYK (37,21,0,63)
#437F97RGB (67,127,151)CMYK (33,9,0,41)
#C04CFDRGB (192,76,253)CMYK (24,69,0,1)
#5E2BFFRGB (94,43,255)CMYK (63,83,0,0)

Calander webdesign theme example

This experimental feature shows you how the colors could be used to create a webdesign. It is automatically generated and can look quite good sometimes (and sometimes not :) ). We are constantly improving our algorithms to generate better results over time.