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Elliot color Scheme

a random color scheme for you

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Elliot Color Palette Documentation

Use this generated documentation for your further work. We've automatically calculated RGB and CMYK values for your colors.

Color HEX RGB CMYK Comment
#F8B05ARGB (248,176,90)CMYK (0,28,62,3)
#78aee4RGB (120,174,228)CMYK (42,21,0,11)
#256eb7RGB (37,110,183)CMYK (57,29,0,28)
#31a7acRGB (49,167,172)CMYK (48,2,0,33)
#154749RGB (21,71,73)CMYK (20,1,0,71)
#ffffffRGB (255,255,255)CMYK (0,0,0,0)
#7b9bfaRGB (123,155,250)CMYK (50,37,0,2)
#fada7bRGB (250,218,123)CMYK (0,13,50,2)
#F5455BRGB (245,69,91)CMYK (0,69,60,4)
#ecb680RGB (236,182,128)CMYK (0,21,42,7)
#f7969aRGB (247,150,154)CMYK (0,38,36,3)
#f18c66RGB (241,140,102)CMYK (0,40,55,5)
#ce5d68RGB (206,93,104)CMYK (0,44,40,19)
#5dcec3RGB (93,206,195)CMYK (44,0,4,19)
#da492cRGB (218,73,44)CMYK (0,57,68,15)
#b8c3d9RGB (184,195,217)CMYK (13,9,0,15)
#d9ceb8RGB (217,206,184)CMYK (0,4,13,15)
#FFA54ARGB (255,165,74)CMYK (0,35,71,0)
#56F794RGB (86,247,148)CMYK (63,0,39,3)
#FF3219RGB (255,50,25)CMYK (0,80,90,0)

Elliot webdesign theme example

This experimental feature shows you how the colors could be used to create a webdesign. It is automatically generated and can look quite good sometimes (and sometimes not :) ). We are constantly improving our algorithms to generate better results over time.